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10 Delicious Diabetes-Friendly Smoothies
10 Delicious Diabetes-Friendly Smoothies
August 3, 2023

10 Delicious Diabetes-Friendly Smoothies

What are the best vegetables for gut health?
What are the best vegetables for gut health?
August 3, 2023

What are the best vegetables for gut health?

What is gut health and how to improve it?
What is gut health and how to improve it?
August 3, 2023

What is gut health and how to improve it?

Can collagen provide gut health benefits?
Can collagen provide gut health benefits?
August 3, 2023

Can collagen provide gut health benefits?


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Discover the benefits of bone broth for your gut health, and embark on a journey towards a stronger and happier digestive system.


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Gut Health

Weight Loss Supplements

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Frequently asked questions

What is healthy eating?

Healthy eating is not about eating perfectly and avoiding all junk food or “sometimes foods”. Instead, it’s about developing healthy habits and focusing on foods that support health and wellbeing, with the occasional treat. 

A healthy diet means a wide variety of nutritious foods to support your health and wellbeing. According to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, this means eating foods from the 5 food groups: grains, vegetables and legumes/beans, meat and alternatives, fruits and dairy and alternatives. 

What’s a good daily exercise routine? 

Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.Current Australian guidelines recommend everyone between 18 to 64 years old to be active on most (preferably all) days, and have a weekly total of 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate activity or 1.25 to 2.5 hours vigorous activity, or an equivalent combination of both.

However, their overarching recommendation is simply to sit less, get people moving and be active for life.

That’s why choosing exercises you actually enjoy doing is likely to lead to more motivation to be active. Research into this area has shown that people who choose an activity they themselves want to do are more likely to stick to their physical activity goals, exercise for longer and feel less exhausted when exercising.

How do I maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming at times. That's why we have broken down big health topics into bite size articles and tips for you to digest easily. 

One way to get started on your health journey is to find out your why. By identifying your why, you are more likely to stick with small habits and be motivated to change. 

Other tips to fuel your motivational mojo include managing your to-do list, ignoring your inner critic, playing some heroic tunes, and eating good quality wholefoods . 

Why do I always feel tired?

When preparing a meal, The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that you should aim to dedicate at least one-third of it to vegetables. While this expectation may seem daunting, the variety and versatility of veggies make it easier to achieve than you’d think.

Effortlessly increase your intake by slipping your choice of vegetable into existing dishes like pasta, stir-fries and soups. Or, if you’re planning on preparing a meal that’s lacking in vegetables, try incorporating a simple side salad. 

Need a little help on getting started? Try our healthy eating programs. From managing sugar intake and upping the veggies in your diet, to building a healthy lunchbox, we’ve got healthy eating covered. 

How do I stick to an exercise routine?

Exercising can feel like a chore, but there are a few simple strategies that can help you stay active.

Firstly, it’s easy to get swept up into doing something you think you should do or what’s claiming to be the ‘best’ exercise around at the moment. What’s more important though is picking an activity you actually enjoy doing!

Secondly, treating your exercise time like a meeting or a date means you’ve booked that time out in your diary and you’re making it a priority. 

Other tips for sticking to an exercise routine include celebrating your wins, enlisting family and friends (even colleagues) for support and making incidental exercise part of your everyday routine. This can include walking the dog every day, walking to the shops or work (or part of the way) if possible.

Still need help kick starting your exercise and movement goals? Sign up to our expert-developed Move More programs. You’ll get all the know-how you need to stick to your movement goals, delivered straight to your inbox.

What is healthy living?

According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or physical or mental weakness. It’s the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and a fundamental human right.

Paying attention to what you eat, being physically active, and looking after your mental wellbeing, are some of the main ways that can help you meet your health goals.

Being aware of your specific requirements, different health conditions and life stages is also important.

How can I improve my sleep?

Trouble sleeping is a common issue and we all feel the dreaded side effects of poor sleep – lack of concentration, mood changes and irritability. We simply don’t feel great.

A few strategies to help you sleep better include waking up at the same time each day, going to bed when you’re tired, looking after yourself physically and mentally during the day, and identifying the things that interfere with your sleep, such as blue light from your phone or tablet.  

If you’re struggling to sleep well at night, get free strategies to help improve your sleep habits with our expert-developed Get More Sleep program.

How can I build resilience?

A key part of resilience is your ability to adapt. Adapting means being able to make adjustments (physical, emotional, mental) based on changing information and circumstances. The more you are able to adapt, the more resilient you will be.

Resilience is something that we can develop in a number of ways, just like building a muscle.

One way to build resilience is to build healthy, positive relationships with empathetic and understanding people. The stronger your relationships are, the better your ability to deal with adversity.

Making time to foster mental wellness is also important to building resilience. Try to find some time in your week for mindfulness practices like journaling, yoga, prayer or meditation. A healthy mind doesn’t only help you be more productive in life, it will also help you deal with situations that require resilience.

Want more? Download our FREE Resilience Guide for simple strategies on how to manage workplace burnout.

How do I start living healthy?

If you’re like most people, you probably have good intentions when it comes to living healthy but sometimes it can become overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to make small, achievable habits you can actually stick to.

By identifying one small change  that you can do each day, sets you up for healthy habit success. 

It might be as simple as ensuring you fill up your water bottle while you make your breakfast so it’s ready to go. Be consistent and stick at it. Within a month, you’ll probably notice that you’re drinking 2 litres of water before dinner, or that it’s easier to get up for your morning walk.

Whether your goal is to eat better, move more, reach your happy weight or boost your immunity, our experts have developed a range of FREE health programs that will help you lead a healthier life. Just pick your program, sign up and get simple, expert advice delivered to your inbox. Easy!